Storm Front is a Historical Skirmish between Captain Black's Privateers, who work for the Terran Empire and Zeta Guard Fleet of the Procyon Navy, who were pursuing the Pirates before the start of the Skirmish. Storm Front is a 2 player Skirmish, with 1 Pirate player and 1 Procyon player. The objective of Storm Front for both sides is to sink or capture all hostile ships. Storm Front is notable for featuring a solar storm as a hazard, which will periodically engulf parts of the map, damaging and throwing off course any ships caught in the storm.
The notorious Captain Black and his ships tried to evade capture by dodging around the worst solar storm in a decade, Some of them made it, others were not so lucky.
PSR Smoke Eagle (PSR Bear in the game files)
PSR Snow Boar (PSR Wolverine)
PSR Fire Wyvern (PSR Cub)
The Saucy Mare (The Saucy Lamb)
The Lucky Break (Secret Cache)
Mongoose (Bad Debt)
Fast Attack Boats[]
Ferret (Payoff)
Storm Front features the Carlton Islands, a moderately dense archipelago of mostly small islands on the eastern side of the map, and a few larger islands on the western side. The Pirates start at the south-west section of the map, facing south, while the Procyons start at the north-west, facing south. The solar storm starts at the western side of the map, quite close to where both fleets are, and moves east until it reaches the easternmost point of the map, then, slowly move west until it reaches the westernmost point of the map, the storm will continue to do this throughout the entire Skirmish, however, the the Skirmish will usually have ended long before this happens.