Treasure Planet Wiki
Treasure Planet Wiki

"Snuff is like a gassy balloon. He can inflate and deflate (as he does when he's taking). He has tentacles on his back and five little trunks for his mouth. Snuff has three suction-cup feet to help hold him down during any loss of gravity." – Treasure Planet: A Voyage of Discovery

Snuff is one of John Silver's Pirate Crew in Treasure Planet. He is a snail-like gastropod pirate who join to find treasure.

Snuff went missing when the mutiny begins.



During the film production, when it somewhat comes to the pirate crew, Snuff is created by Eric Pigors and Adam Dykstra.


Throughout in the film, he is shown to be rude and bit of kind, but sometimes a coward whatever it happens, even don't like somebody who stepped on his tail.

Physical appearance[]

Snuff is an unnamed pinkish-yellow snail-like gastropod, with many tentacles on his body, ten on his back, four for his arms, and small five trunks. Also have three each of suction-cup feet on bottom. Also wore an dark red vest and an black hat.


Treasure Planet[]

Snuff is one of the pirates whom Doppler is able to understand and communicate with, taken two years of the language class that involves making flatulent noises by the name of "Flatula" in high school, which he demonstrates when he manages to reason and make a joke of Snuff after Jim unintentionally steps on part of his tail, and they come in handy sticking to the ship's deck in times that the ship does not have artificial gravity. During the launch, he also works as a specialist to engage artificial gravity, and who all of them were actually secretly as pirates, describing as "ludicrous parcel of driveling galoots".

Snuff later seen cheering for Scroop along with the others when he attempts to kill the boy, and is only saved when Silver intervenes. Mr. Arrow soon arrives on the scene and scolds Scroop for his behavior.

During the voyage, the ship encounters a supernova. While securing lifelines of all pirates so that they will not get lost, Jim saves Silver from falling just in time. The supernova then devolves into a black hole, where Arrow falls to his death. The burst of shock waves and maximum engine power enable Amelia to pilot the ship to safety. Amelia mourns the loss of Arrow, and suspects Jim of failing to secure the lifelines, while Arrow's line was actually cut by Scroop.

Snuff's last seen as they being of observing their arrival to Treasure Planet, and wasn't seen of the beginning, during nor after of the mutiny.



Treasure Planet[]

Video Games[]


  • Snuff is the only pirate member to not speak English, and instead speaks Flatula, but it is totally unknown what is he saying.
  • Snuff is shown in Treasure Planet: A Voyage of Discovery, as one of the four specialists along with OnusMeltdown and Turnbuckle.
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