Treasure Planet Wiki
Treasure Planet Wiki

"A burly alien roper, Schwartzkopf hails from the militaristic Turkrus species. Quiet, unflappable and antisocial, he does his job well and just wants to be left alone." – Treasure Planet: A Voyage of Discovery

Schwartzkopf is one of the John Silver's Pirate Crew in Treasure Planet. He is a Tuskrus pirate.

Schwartzkopf went missing after abusing Jim after returning back from the ship, during of the mutiny.


Personality []

According to "A Voyage of Discovery" itself, Schwartzkopf is a unflappable, and antisocially quiet, meaning he is the only pirate that just never getting along and wasn't a coward at all, doing his own job very well for the Legacy, and wants to be alone. However he did very great well secure for his captain Silver in the following mutiny.

Physical appearance[]

Schwartzkopf is a grayish-purple Tuskrus with clawed fingers, coiled tentacles that serve as his legs, and a pudgy horn-like limb that sprouts from his head. He wears a dark bluish vest and a black belt without a buckle around his waist.


Treasure Planet[]

He took part in the attack on the Benbow Inn, evidenced by his shadow revealed from the inn's lamps along with the other five fellow pirates John SilverPigorsDogbreath, Greedy, and Aquanoggin, to find the Map Sphere from Billy Bones who later died after arriving at Montressor.

Schwartzkopf is seen helding the barrels, ropes, and name of few tools during the packing for the ship along with the other members, who all of them were actually secretly as pirates, describing as "ludicrous parcel of driveling galoots", however despite of the other pirates in the crew, Schwartzkopf's so far being the only one that does his job quite fine and shows no sign of social but antisocial based of his personality.

During the voyage, the ship encounters a supernova. Jim saves Silver from falling just in time. The supernova then devolves into a black hole, where Arrow falls. The burst of shock waves and maximum engine power enable Amelia to pilot the ship to safety. Amelia mourns the loss of Arrow, and suspects Jim of failing to secure the lifelines, while Arrow's line was actually cut by Scroop.

Meanwhile during the mutiny, Schwartzkopf, and the rest of pirates corner the group here; using a back door, Jim, B.E.N., and Morph return to the ship in an attempt to recover the map.

Schwartzkopf is last seen restraining Amelia when he, Silver, and the other remaining seven pirates ambushed Jim. However, Schwartzkopf gives him a complimentary remark, thanking him for showing the way. He then disappears off screen like Aquanoggin and Snuff did.



Treasure Planet[]

Video Games[]


  • He is the only pirate of this group that wasn't a coward, and also the last pirate to have an unknown fate. It is presumably to be deceased, which it's due to his personality, he simply left behind to be alone and later died when the planet exploded.
  • It is unknown if Robert Pastorelli actually voiced Schwartzkopf as his voice isn't seen so far matched when compare to other voices like of Tony from Ferngully: The Last Rainforest. However to the most information of the character like Schwartzkopf, shows no signs of socially talking as so far not much like other pirates, as Schwartzkopf was described as "quite, unflappable, and antisocial".
    • Even unknown by if actually voiced by him or not, the actor Pastorelli wasn't so far not even seen in the credits or uncredited om IMDb, instead Schwartzkopf's actor was so far to be unknown, not Kind nor Dee Bradley Baker.
  • Schwartzkopf have a supporting appearance in PS2 video game based of the film itself, appeared as one of the enemies through the game.
  • Schwartzkopf is shown in Treasure Planet: A Voyage of Discovery, as one of the Ropers along with PigorsHands, and Aquanoggin.
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