Treasure Planet Wiki
Treasure Planet Wiki
Civilian Windjammer
SS Galatia
Model: Arcturian Merchant Ship

SS Galatia is a Merchantman, that was the fourth ship in the Arcturian Convoy transporting weapons and ammunition to the frontier.

Battle at Procyon[]

Mission 10[]

SS Galatia was transporting weapons and ammunition to the frontier, along with several other Cargo Ships, forming a convoy. The Arcturian Convoy were being escorted to the nearest current by Jim Hawkins of the RLS St. Roch and its accompanying fleet. The convoy came under attack from two waves of Pirates, who were trying to steal the weapons the convoy was carrying. The wave of Pirates consisted of the Carrack, Plunder and the Fast Attack Boat, Dashing Rogue, the second wave consisted of two Barques, Dalgren and Deceiver, two Assault Cutters, Relentless and The Rake and the Schooner, Skrop. Both Pirate attacks were unsuccessful in raiding the convoy, as they were sunk or captured by Jim Hawkins fleet. However, just before the convoy could enter the current, two Ironclads attacked the convoy, the Destroyer, Hunter and the Dreadnought, Devastator. Hunter exchanged fire with Hawkins' fleet, but was sunk whist fighting them, while Devastator ignored them and went straight for the convoy, ramming into the Convoy's leader, SS Spirit of the West, destorying it, but also immobilising the Devastator in the process, allowing the RLS St. Roch to catch up and board it.
