Ironclad refuelling barges are immobile platforms used to unload raw dark matter from Transport Barges and package the dark matter in crates for use as fuel aboard ironclads. Due to the large quantities of dark matter aboard the barge, a sufficient explosion can ignite the dark matter and cause the entire platform to detonate with considerable force, as demonstrated by Jim Hawkins in Mission 9.
Battle at Procyon Details[]
Point Cost: 35 VP
- Minimum Cost: 35 VP
Mass: 60,000
Max Thrust: 25,000
Max Speed: 0 km/h
- True Speed Value: 0.277778
Manoeuvrability: Very Poor
- Max Angular Acceleration: 0.006092
Crew Size: 5
- 1 Captain
- 1 Spotter
- 3 Engineers
Hull Strength: 1,099 HP
- Core Strength: 100 HP
Firepower: None