Treasure Planet Wiki
Treasure Planet Wiki
Red Rover
Red Rover Screenshot
Players 2-8
Location Far Reach Territory
Royal Navy Flag Royal Navy FlintPirateFlag Pirates
Varies Varies

Red Rover is an Open Skirmish between Royal Navy and the Pirates. Red Rover allows between 2 to 8 players to participate. Every odd numbered player will be on the Imperial side, where as every even numbered player will be on the Pirate side. Red Rover features two bases, one for each side, and a wide, open area in between. The objective of Red Rover is to eliminate all enemy ships. Red Rover's most notable feature is that it features a solar storm as a hazard, which will periodically engulf parts of the map, damaging and throwing off course any ships caught in the storm.

Map Description[]

In an attempt to roust the Royal Navy from the Far Reach Territory, the pirate clans built up an attack base within striking distance of the Imperial Outpost Osterman. They hoped that the storm season would cover them until they were ready to strike, but no such luck.


Red Rover contains two large islands on the west and east edges of the map, two bases, the Imperial base, Outpost Osterman, in the south and the Pirate base, Camp Latchkey, in the north, in between all of this are many small islands scattered around the centre. The solar storm starts on the west side of the map and slowly moves east until it reaches the easternmost point of the map, then, slowly move west until it reaches the westernmost point of the map, the storm will continue to do this throughout the entire Skirmish. The most dangerous part of the map is the centre, as this solar storm will spend most of its time there.

