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Treasure Planet Wiki


Illysa II ascended to the throne following the rule of Queen Catherine IV during the later half of the Third Terran-Procyon War. As such she was signatory of the peace treaty that ended that conflict. To understand her role in this peace one must understand the powers retained by the Terran Monarch. While legislative power is invested in Parliament the monarch retains executive powers and authority over foreign affairs. These powers include having chief command of the Terran Navy however since the rule of Alexander the Mad Terran Monarchs have been reluctant to personally command fleets of war. In Queen Illysa II's case approval of major naval operations, such as devotion of the majority of the Terran Navy to addressing the Ironclad Menace, are the defining aspects of her administration's role in the armed forces. As chief over foreign affairs she approved of Evar's ambassadorial fleet's entry into Terran Space for the signing of a peace treaty that would greatly diminish tension between the Terran Empire and the Proycon Expanse.
