This Sloop, like most Pirate ships, is a converted civilian vessel. Quick and manoeuvrable, the Sloop makes a good scout ship, but has limited firepower.
This is probably the most cost efficient Sloop in the game, and the best for a straight up fight. In its stats, it is slightly better than a Warsloop and far cheaper. It also has a lot more firepower and durability than the Procyon Sloop. Its only weakness is its low range, but it makes up for it with high damage per second.
- Very fast.
- Great manoeuvrability.
- Very inexpensive, the least expensive ship in the game.
- High damage per second for a small ship.
- Difficult to hit.
- Durable for a Sloop.
- Large amount of crew.
- Weak hull.
- Effective at close range only.
- No point-defence.
- No good place for a Harpoon Gun, without sacrificing the medium mount.
Battle at Procyon Statistics[]
Point Cost: 15 VP
- Minimum Cost: 10 VP
Mass: 3,000
Max Thrust: 18,000
Max Speed: 34 km/h
- True Speed Value: 9.444445
Manoeuvrability: Very Good
- Max Angular Acceleration: 5.483114
Crew Size: 7
- 1 Captain
- 1 Helmsman
- 1 Rigger
- 1 Fighter
- 3 Gunners
Hull Strength: 580 HP
- Core Strength: 60 HP
Firepower: Poor (3 Banks)

1 Medium LaserBall Cannon
6 Light LaserBall Cannons
Battle Strategy[]
The main advantage of the Pirate Sloop is its low price of 15 Victory Points, making it the cheapest ship in the game. This means the best use for the Sloop is as a cheap ship to fill in the remaining ship slots when running low on Victory Points. For lower point games, you could use Sloops as their main ship type, usually in reasonable numbers to compensate for their individual lack of firepower. The Sloop is armed with a Medium Laser Cannon on the bow by default, however, as there are no other good places to mount a Harpoon Gun, you may wish to replace the Medium Cannon with a Harpoon to enable the use of boarding. Due to the low cost of the Sloop, selecting the best crew members available is usually not a good idea, as this will increase the cost of the Sloop considerably, thus losing its main advantage. Alternatively, the medium mount at the front is a great place for an Energy Net, much like with the other types of pirate ships that have this slot. An energy net synergises well with light carronades, slowing ships down to make it easier to land its massive dps. Even when equipped with standard cannons however, it still deals very good damage per second considering its cost and compared to its competition.
Almost all its firepower comes from light guns, therefore it inherently has less range than most ships. Take advantage of this by crippling its mobility by taking out its only sail, which is an easy target, then staying at range. Lancers are the best weapon against this ship as they can easily destroy the sail at a greater distance than the Gatling Gun, and can also reliably hit the hull afterwards to finish it off. It has no point defence, but Torpedoes tend to miss it as it's so small, so avoid using them.
Open Skirmish Names[]
- Sisters
- Dirty Rat
- Sea Sparrow
- Barrozo
- Doyle's Hope
- Forfeit
- Fort Grange
- Helena
- Marsala
- Desire
- Cassandra
- Shannon
Known Ships[]
- Exile (Mission 3)
- Salty Jack (Mission 3)
- Rock Lobster (Mission 3)
- Sea Sparrow (Mission 3)
- Falstaf (Mission 4)
- Coin of Chance (Mission 4)
- Ruthless Fortune (Mission 4)
- Scurvy (Mission 5)
- Venom (Mission 5)
- Crooks' Paradise (Mission 5)
- Mini Merc (Mission 5)
- The Little Thief (Mission 6)
- Mad Hobbs (Mission 6)
- L'il Luckless (Mission 6)
- The Dragonfly (Mission 7)
- The Scurge (Mission 7)
- The Narwhal (Mission 11)
- The Scurvy Mate (Mission 11)
- The Exile (Mission 11)
- The Venom (Mission 11)
- The Rake (Mission 11)
- The Angry Mob (Mission 11)
- The Nimble Spear (Mission 11)
- The Whip (Mission 11)
- The Mighty Pete (Mission 11)
- Hydra (The Ambush, called Thief in the game files)
- Nymph (The Ambush, called Avarice in the game files)