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Huge and with a daunting amount of weaponry on board, the Pirate Galleon is one of the most powerful warships to ever sail the Etherium. In addition to her massive broadsiding capabilities, the Galleon can also grapple other ships, and unload a huge complement of sword-wielding boarders. The only downside to this monster is her very slow speed and vulnerability to Torpedoes and Mines, but her incredible durability allows her to survive long enough to pound her enemies into scrap.


The Galleon is an extremely durable ship with massive broadside firepower, but with low speed and manoeuvrability. It has less point-defence that other ships of this size, which can make it more susceptible to Mines and Torpedoes. The Galleon is the most durable ship in the game, due to its large number of layers. However, this, combined with the Galleon's slow speed, makes it vulnerable to Mortars. The Galleon has the greatest crew count of any ship, making it the best ship in the game at boarding.



  • Huge crew size, the largest of all ships.
  • Many Harpoons in good positions.
  • Massive broadside firepower.
  • Aftercastle Medium Cannons can fire in almost any direction.
  • Massive hull strength, the most durable of all ships.


  • Less point-defence than other ships of a similar cost.
  • Many layers and therefore vulnerable to Star Mortars.
  • Very low mobility.
  • Not many customisable weapon banks.
  • Very large and therefore easy to hit.

Battle at Procyon Statistics[]

Point Cost: 230 VP

  • Minimum Cost: 130 VP

Mass: 60,000

Max Thrust: 30,000

Max Speed: 15 km/h

  • True Speed Value: 4.166667

Manoeuvrability: Poor

  • Max Angular Acceleration: 0.389910

Crew Size: 36 (incorrectly says 37 in game)

  • 1 Captain
  • 1 First Mate
  • 1 Spotter
  • 1 Helmsman
  • 2 Engineers
  • 8 Riggers
  • 12 Fighters
  • 10 Gunners

Hull Strength: 6,980 HP

  • Core Strength: 550 HP

Firepower: Very Good (10 Banks)

Pirate Galleon Layout

Gatling Gun Icon 2 Laser Gatling Guns (non-replaceable)
Light Laser Cannon Icon 6 Light LaserBall Cannons (non-replaceable)
Harpoon Gun Icon 6 Harpoon Guns (non-replaceable)
Heavy Laser Cannon Icon 9 Heavy LaserBall Cannons
Medium Laser Cannon Icon 4 Medium LaserBall Cannons
Light Lancer Icon 2 Light Point-Defence Lancers

Battle Strategy[]

The Galleon has huge broadside firepower, and has three Harpoon Guns per broadside which can keep enemies in still for your broadsides, or enable you to send you massive crew in to take their ship via boarding. You can, if you want, replace the broadside Heavy Cannons with Carronades, which are better against other large ships at close range, especially once they are locked in place with Harpoons. However, it's harder to hit smaller ships with them, and they have less range.


The Galleon has very weak frontal firepower, with only two Gatling Guns. Stay in front of the Galleon to be as safe as possible, although it can actually still fire the aftercastle Medium Cannons forward if it turns slightly as well as backwards. This makes its frontal and rearward firepower better than it is on paper, but still much safer than facing its sides. The Galleon is weak to Mortars, Torpedoes and Mines. If you have Plasma Cannons, then you can outrange the Galleon, and wear it down from a distance if you have to. The Pirates don't have access to them, so you can be sure they won't match your range.

Open Skirmish Names[]

  • The Callico Jack
  • Salty Bob
  • The Saucy Mare
  • The Callico Jack
  • Bonne Chance
  • Flaming Rose
  • The White Count
  • Kaiser Max
  • Fancy Scot
  • Bachelor's Delight
  • Gangster of Pain
  • Sultan's Dream

Known Ships[]

  • The Lord of Loot (Mission 11)


  • In the Open Skirmishes, the Galleon has the name 'The Callico Jack' listed twice. The name is also misspelt, as the Pirate that this ship's name references is actually spelt 'Calico Jack'.

