Augmented with extra sails and weapons, the Pirate Barque is a moderately speedy ship, and a much more formidable threat than its civilan counterpart. While not quite equivalent to modern frigates, the Pirate Barque can use its speed to get out of most situations it can't handle.
The Pirates equivalent to the Navy Fast Frigate and heavily reinforced to include durability along with its speed. Its most distinguishing features are the solar sails fitted on its underside and the metal reinforcement to the hull, making it the fourth ship within the Pirate Fleet to have a semi-metal hull along with the Schooner, Assault Cutter and the Man-o-War.
- Made out of Reinforced Wood, making it very durable.
- Good broadside and stern firepower.
- High crew count, good harpoon placement; good at boarding.
- Fast and manoeuvrable.
- Less Firepower than the Heavy Scout for broadsides and bow.
Battle at Procyon Statistics[]
Point Cost: 86 VP
- Minimum Cost: 43 VP
Mass: 18,000
Max Thrust: 36,000
Max Speed: 28 km/h
- True Speed Value: 7.777778
Maneuverability: Good
- Max Angular Acceleration: 1.370778
Crew Size: 20 (incorrectly says 21 in game)
- 1 Captain
- 1 First Mate
- 1 Spotter
- 1 Helmsman
- 1 Engineer
- 5 Riggers
- 4 Fighters
- 6 Gunners
Hull Strength: 1,680 HP
- Core Strength: 200 HP
Firepower: Good (6 Banks)

7 Medium LaserBall Cannons
4 Harpoon Guns (non-replaceable)
1 Arcturian Fire Launcher
1 Medium Point-Defence Lancer
Battle Strategy[]
Since this ship is very durable, being made from reinforced wood entirely, combined with good firepower, it is a good ship for brawling. The high crew count and Harpoon placement encourages boarding, and it is easy to keep up with ships due to its speed allowing you to board easier. You can replace the front facing Cannon with an Energy Net to enhance this further. The Arcturian Fire on the back is very useful for blowing away sails, and also can be used for some supporting damage to the hull. If you equip an Energy Net, it can be a good idea to also use Carronades, as it will make it much easier to land them, and maintain a close distance.
It is best to treat the vessel as a Fast Frigate, meaning avoid being in range of its rear armament and focus your attention on the sails to rob it of its advantage speed. They also tend to get close and launch their grappling hooks at their enemy, so, if this were to happen, it is best to go full speed away from the Barque whilst firing at the hull with rear armament.
Open Skirmish Names[]
- Mercenary Star
- Fenian Ram
- Golden Hind
- Hudson Rex
- Mayon Spirit
- Flying King
- Sad Cowboy
- Furious
- Snap Dragon
- Halifax Bob
- Benbow Rover
- Spike Rattler
Known Ships[]
- Ace of Spades (Mission 3)
- The Dark Prince (Mission 5)
- The Vindictive (Mission 6)
- The Dark Heart (Mission 7)
- Dalgren (Mission 10)
- Deceiver (Mission 10)
- The Happy Wench (Mission 11)
- Prince of Pirates (Mission 11)
- Crooked Keel (Mission 12)
- Jack of Clubs (Mission 12)
- Calshot Spit (The Ambush, called Ol' Sauce in the game files)
- Snap Dragon (The Maw, called Bitter End in the game files)
- The Saucy Mary (Locusts, called Jimbo's Bounty in the game files)
- The Pirate Barque is one of the three ships with a hull made primarily out of Reinforced Wood, with the other two being the Pirate Weapon Barge and the Carrack.
- The Barque's broadside Harpoons use the models of Laser Gatling Guns, and are equipped with said weapons in the demo.
- The Open Skirmish name "Golden Hind" is a tribute to the real life ship commanded by Sir Francis Drake.