Treasure Planet Wiki
Treasure Planet Wiki

"Pigors has the personality of a puppy: he is mostly happy and often anxious for his next meal. His eye sits at the end of a long, twisty stalk." – Treasure Planet: A Voyage of Discovery

Pigors is one of the John Silver's Pirate Crew in Treasure Planet. He is a four-legged semi-humanoid pirate.

Pigors perished to the core along with Turnbuckle, who tries to get the treasure chest during the mutiny and the falling destruction of Treasure Planet.


Personality []

According to "A Voyage of Discovery" itself, Pigors' personality was a young puppy, running around a lot and sometimes smart whatever he likes or not in his own taste. But also a bit outlucking coward like the few others in the crew.

Physically appearance[]

Pigors is an unnamed tan semi-humanoid with a stalk-like cyclops eye, four pointy legs and a large mouth placed to his body. Having thin arms with each three fingers, having half carnivore-like teeth.


Treasure Planet[]

He took part in the attack on the Benbow Inn, evidenced by his shadow revealed from the inn's lamps along with the other five fellow pirates John SilverDogbreathGreedy, Aquanoggin, and Schwartzkopf, to find the Map Sphere from Billy Bones who later died after arriving at Montressor.

Pigors is seen holding a barrel during the packing for the ship along with the other members, who all of them were actually secretly as pirates, describing as "ludicrous parcel of driveling galoots".

He soon later meeting up with the others about they almost blowing up the mutiny plan, which makes Silver so furious and he makes him sure that all of them need to stick the plan as a understanding crew.

During the voyage, the ship encounters a supernova. Jim saves Silver from falling just in time. The supernova then devolves into a black hole, where Arrow falls. The burst of shock waves and maximum engine power enable Amelia to pilot the ship to safety. Amelia mourns the loss of Arrow, and suspects Jim of failing to secure the lifelines, while Arrow's line was actually cut by Scroop.

Pigors is later one of the last two pirates, along with Turnbuckle to die, as they fell victim to Captain Nathaniel Flint's trap, falling into the lava-filled crevices to their deaths while attempting to escape with some of the treasure.



Treasure Planet[]


  • Pigors was named after one of the character designers of John Silver's Pirate Crew, Eric Pigors.
  • Pigors is shown in Treasure Planet: A Voyage of Discovery, as one of the Ropers along with Hands, Aquanoggin, and Schwartzkopf.
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