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Outpost Regina is a Royal Navy base located south of Dorlinor, the Calyan Abyss and the Darkshire Nebula. Outpost Regina is managed by Jeff Memdall.

Outpost Regina appears in Mission 7, Mission 8 and Mission 9.

Battle at Procyon[]

Mission 7[]

Captain Hawkins reported to Outpost Regina to submit his report of the Pirate activity he saw in the Broken Territories. However, Outpost Regina's administrator, Jeff Memdall, said that there was no time to read his report, as Dorlinor, a nearby town north of Outpost Regina, was hit by a large asteroid and required medical supplies to be delivered immediately. Memdall explained to Hawkins that his fleet would not be able to deliver the supplies fast enough and that the only way to deliver enough supplies on time would be to transport them there through the Calyan Abyss in a Fast Frigate. Hawkins was then given the Fast Frigate, RLS Lightning for this mission and then set a course to Dorlinor, via the Calyan Abyss.

Mission 8[]

After the supplies were delivered to Dorlinor, RLS Lightning went back into the Calyan Abyss to search for the Destroyer spotted there while delivering the supplies. When RLS Lightning found the Destroyer, Scout, again, in the Caylan Abyss, Hawkins ordered the Ironclad to state its allegiance and intent, as it was in Imperial Territory. Instead of replying, Scout opened fire upon RLS Lightning. RLS Lightning fired back at Scout, but was unable to severely damage it. Hawkins then decided to try to lure Scout into the range of Outpost Regina's guns, hoping the base's larger calibre guns would be more effective against Scout's heavy steel armour. Scout followed the retreating RLS Lightning, but stopped the pursuit before coming within range of Outpost Regina's guns, changing course for the Darkshire Nebula.

Mission 9[]

When Hawkins submitted his report on the Ironclad presence near the base, Outpost Regina issued the Frigate, RLS St. Roch, to Hawkins and tasked him with scouting the Darkshire Nebula, which was believed to be the site of an Ironclad base. RLS St. Roch and the rest of Hawkins' fleet then set a course for the Nebula to investigate.

Battle at Procyon Statistics[]

Docks: 2

Aggregate Hit Points: 3,450 HP

  • Aggregate Fortification Strength: 1,250 HP
  • Aggregate Dock Strength: 2,200 HP

Firepower: Astonishing (9 banks, not including point defence)


Star Mortar Icon 1 Star Mortar (1 Bank)
Plasma Cannon Icon 3 Heavy Plasma Cannons (1 Bank)
Heavy Laser Cannon Icon 7 Heavy LaserBall Cannons (3 Banks)
Medium Laser Cannon Icon 6 Medium LaserBall Cannons (2 Banks)
Light Laser Cannon Icon 1 Light LaserBall Cannon (1 Bank)
Gatling Gun Icon 3 Laser Gatling Guns (1 Bank)
Medium Lancer Icon 4 Medium Point-Defence Lancers (3 Banks)


  • Outpost Regina is called Base_Regina in the files.
  • Outpost Regina is named after the Canadian city, Regina.
  • During the production of Battle at Procyon, the way Regina was to be pronounced was controversial. The (Canadian) Barking Dog Studios developers insisted that it should be pronounced 'rɪˈdʒʌɪnə' (the pronunciation used in British and Canadian English; it is used for the city after which Outpost Regina is named), while the (American) Disney executives insisted that it should be pronounced 'rɪˈdʒiːnə' (the American pronunciation). The 'rɪˈdʒiːnə' pronunciation is the one used in the game. [1]
  • Outpost Regina appears in more levels than any other base, as it appears in 3 levels.


1. Podcast #95 – A Cataclysmic Home(world) Coming At 1:33:56.

