The Nova Mortar is a manually aimed, special weapon, that is a larger, cluster bomb variant of the Star Mortar. The Nova Mortar has so much recoil, that the only ships that can use this weapon are Ships of the Line with their bow reinforced, as such, only the Terran Empire and Procyon Expanse are able to manufacture ships capable of using this weapon.
The Nova Mortar is the largest ship-mounted weapon in the Etherium. It is so massive that the entire bow section of a Man-o-War class ship must be modified to make room for it. Only the Navy and Procyon fleets can afford the production, and fitting expense of this weapon. This Nova Mortar fires a huge round that splits into five Star Mortar shells at the top of its arc. These five shells detonate in a pattern that can catch even the most nimble of ship in a tidal wave of destructive power. When you come across a ship armed with this weapon out on the Etherium, you would be wise to stay out of her way.