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Weapon Barges are cheap mobile defence platforms most often found as temporary protection for new bases on the frontier until more permanent fortifications can be built. These reinforced barges carry a dozen medium-sized weapon mounts.


An immobile weapons platform with excellent firepower for its cost.



  • Excellent firepower for its cost.
  • Inexpensive.


  • Immobile.
  • No point-defence.

Battle at Procyon Statistics[]

Point Cost: 50 VP

  • Minimum Cost: 10 VP

Mass: 40,000

Max Thrust: 10

Max Speed: 0 km/h

  • True Speed Value: 0.002778

Manoeuvrability: Very Poor

  • Max Angular Acceleration: 0.000001

Crew Size: 8

  • 1 Captain
  • 3 Fighters
  • 4 Gunners

Hull Strength: 1,150 HP

  • Core Strength: 150 HP
Imperial Weapon Barge HP


Firepower: Good (4 Banks)

Imperial Weapon Barge Layout

Medium Laser Cannon Icon 8 Medium LaserBall Cannons
Light Laser Cannon Icon 4 Light LaserBall Cannons

Battle Strategy[]

Weapon Barges are very situational. The obvious advantage is how cost efficient their firepower is, as well as decent durability. However, their lack of mobility not only makes them unable to be used most of the time, but also a sitting duck, unable to evade enemy fire and therefore taking more damage. There are two main ways to use them though: the first way is to buy them on maps where you need to defend a base, you simply leave it at the base, which bolsters its defence; the second way is to tow it around, preferably with a Tug due to its massive thrust, thus removing the Weapon Barge's weakness.


If you can outrange them, then there's nothing it can do about it. The Weapon Barge's lack of mobility makes it an easy target, so if you want to destroy them more quickly at close range, Carronades are the best option. If you really want to counter them, then Mortars are essentially a hard counter.

Open Skirmish Names[]

  • Alpha
  • Beta
  • Gamma
  • Delta
  • Epsilon
  • Zeta
  • Eta
  • Theta
  • Iota
  • Kappa
  • Lamba
  • Mu

Known Ships[]


  • The Imperial Weapon Barge is the only Imperial ship not to use the prefix 'RLS'.
  • Imperial Weapon Barges are never selected by the AI in Open Skirmishes.
  • In the Open Skirmishes, all Imperial Weapon Barges are named after Greek letters.
  • Imperial Weapon Barges share the same names as their Pirate Counterparts.