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Mission 3 of Battle at Procyon's campaign is the first Mission where the player is able to customise their ships, as well as the first Mission where the player has command of multiple ships, however it should be noted that unlike in the Skirmishes, the player cannot switch command ships by pressing 'P' in the Campaign. In this Mission Lieutenant Hawkins is issued the Warsloop, RLS Endurance as his new command ship, and is tasked with transporting Grange and the rest of the Pirate prisoners to Crescentia.


  • Lieutenant Hawkins
  • Mr. Onyx
  • Morph
  • John Silver
  • Captain Grange
  • Rutiger Quray
  • Jeff Connar
  • Alexander Godfrey
  • Abraham Kempton
  • Morse Dolliver
  • Frances Mary
  • Pat McKelly
  • James Newcomb
  • Thomas Brinley
  • Olivia Flaversham
  • Crib Zibbinz




Hawkins: 'Congratulations, men! I've been informed that we have been given a Warsloop. Between it and this Torpedo Boat, we're an actual patrol squadron now! Mr. Onyx, plot us a course to Crescentia. We have a hold full of prisoners to deliver to the Royal Courts.'

Mr. Onyx: 'Aye, Sir! Projecting your heading now. We should be careful, though; the harbourmaster says there may be a full-blown solar storm out there.'


Mission 3 is the first Mission that allows the player to customise their ships. At the start of Mission 3 the player will always have two ships, the Warsloop, RLS Endurance, and the Torpedo Boat, RLS Comet. The player is able to select the crew and weapons for each ship, however only crew with a cost of 4 Victory Points or less are available for hire. The amount of Victory Points the player has depends on the player's actions in previous Missions, however one way to acquire more Victory Points is to replace some of the default weapons on the ships with cheaper alternatives, for example replacing RLS Comet's Light Lancer with a Light LaserBall Cannon would save 4 Victory Points.

To Crescentia[]

After the player has finished configuring their ships, their objective is to advance to Crescentia. On the way is a meteor shower, this one moves to the right, before returning. The player can avoid this meteor shower if they go immediately after it moves out of their path. After the player gets past the meteor shower, the Solar Storm will catch up to Hawkins' squadron and eventually engulf it. This is impossible to avoid.

Solar Storm![]

When the Solar Storm catches up to Hawkins' squadron, it will damage the sails and engines of both ships and throw them off course, where they will eventually land near an asteroid belt south of the McCullough Current. Mr. Onyx will explain that the sails are down to 20% power and the engines are down to 15%, and that they will not be able to move at full speed until they finish repairing both. Mr. Onyx also says that there might be Pirates nearby, and suggests hiding in the asteroid belt. From this point the player has two options: Either hide in the asteroid belt as Mr. Onyx suggested, or make a run for it and go directly to Port Ivy.

Option 1: Hiding in the asteroid belt[]

This option is the one the game suggests, as the objective arrow points towards the asteroid belt. If the player decides to do this, then they should be careful not to go to close to the asteroids, as they may collide with the player's ships. Shortly afterwards a Pirate Sloop called Exile will spot Hawkins' squadron, however instead of attacking will turn around and leave. While hiding in the asteroid belt, the player should fire at incoming asteroids, to minimise the damage they will do when they collide. Eventually Mr. Onyx will spot a fleet of Pirates searching for them in the asteroid belt. Hawkins suggests hiding even deeper in the asteroid belt until the engines are repaired. The player may either take Hawkins' advice, or ignore it and plot a course directly to Port Ivy (see Option 2).

Eventually Exile will return, with the Sloop, Salty Jack as support, this time they will attack Hawkins' squadron. The player's ships are not as manoeuvrable as the Pirates, but have greater firepower (assuming the player didn't replace all guns with Light LaserBall Cannons), and can outrange the Sloops with Torpedoes, a single Torpedo strike will sink a Sloop on normal difficulty, however the Sloops can be difficult to hit. Neither of the Sloops deploy Lifeboats when sank.

Option 2: Immediate Retreat[]

This option involves simple plotting a course for Port Ivy before the ships are repaired. The player may do this immediately, or after the Pirates spot them. This option is high risk, high reward, as it is faster than the other option, but somewhat counterintuitively, more dangerous, as more Pirate ships will fight the player, although that means more ships to sink, resulting in more Victory Points. When the player is halfway to Port Ivy three Pirate Schooners will attack, as the player's ships have their mobility impaired this is a very difficult fight, it is also difficult to avoid them as they are much faster than the player's ships. It is possible to avoid this however, if the player doesn't go far enough away from the asteroid belt for the Schooners to spawn.

The Great Escape[]

When the Pirate fleet catches up to Hawkins' squadron, Mr. Onyx will speculate that the Ship of the Line within the Pirate fleet must be their command ship. Morph, however, recognizes that Ship of the Line as the Argentum, which is John Silver's ship. Mr. Onyx will then report that the engines have been fully repaired, Hawkins will then note that they have to escape the Pirates and order his crew to set a course for Port Ivy. From the point onwards the player's ships will move at full speed, making it easy to outrun most of the Pirates in the main fleet. When Hawkins' squadron is halfway to Port Ivy, two Pirate ships, the Schooner Wylie, and the Sloop Rock Lobster, will try to cut off their escape by attacking from the direction Hawkins' squadron is heading to. The player can either try to sink or capture these ships or ignore them and go straight for Port Ivy. When the player reaches Port Ivy the Mission will end.


Hawkins: 'We escaped the pirate trap and yet I am still plagued with questions about the pirate flagship I glimpsed. Mister Onyx and I questioned the prisoners but they refused to say who led them or why pirate attacks were on the rise. Whatever questions I may have will have to wait though. We have finally received our orders to set sail and join the task force heading to the frontier. With the Procyons finally willing to sign a peace treaty, the Royal Navy is free to deal with the strange new Ironclads raiding the frontier, and the bulk of the Home Fleet is preparing to move out to counter the raiders. Our encounter with the solar storm delayed us for so long, that we only have a few hours left to catch the seasonal surge of the McCullough Etherium Current. If we make it we should be able to catch up to the main fleet within a day. If we miss the surge, it'll take weeks to make it to the frontier.'




Warsloop Icon RLS Endurance

Torpedo Boats[]

Torpedo Boat Icon RLS Comet



Pirate Man-o-War Icon Argentum


Pirate Barque Icon Ace of Spades


Pirate Schooner Icon Sea Sparrow
Pirate Schooner Icon Wylie
Pirate Schooner Icon Mace
Pirate Schooner Icon The Plague*
Pirate Schooner Icon Dead Eye*
Pirate Schooner Icon Hunter*


Pirate Sloop Icon Exile
Pirate Sloop Icon Salty Jack
Pirate Sloop Icon Rock Lobster
Pirate Sloop Icon Sea Sparrow

*Only appears if the player heads directly for Port Ivy before their engines are repaired.


Mission 3 features the largest map in the game. At the south-east corner of the map, is the base, Waystation Montgomery, which is the starting location for the player. Crescentia is located west of the map, however a Solar Storm is in the way, and will throw the player off course into the Ringo Asteroid Belt at the north-east corner of the map. At the northern section of the map is the McCullough Current, however it is of no use to the player, as it flows away from the players destination of Port Ivy, which is located at the north-west corner. However, the player may be able to lure some of the pursuing Pirates into the McCullough Current, which will then carry them away from the player.

