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Lancer, Medium
Medium Lancer Icon
Available To: FlintPirateFlag Procyon Expanse Rectangular Flag Ironclad Flag
Weapon Type: Medium
Cost: 8 Victory Points
Wood: 8-10 (6 DPS)
Reinforced Wood: 6-8 (4.7 DPS)
Iron: 4-6 (3.3 DPS)
Cloth: 10-12 (7.3 DPS)
Stone: 4-6 (3.3 DPS)
Dragon: 9-15 (8 DPS)
Critical Chance:
Wood: 10%
Reinforced Wood: 5%
Iron: 0%
Cloth: 0%
Stone: 5%
Dragon: 50%
Wood: 1
Reinforced Wood: 1
Iron: 1
Cloth: 1
Stone: 1
Dragon: 0.5
Wood: 15%
Reinforced Wood: 10%
Iron: 0%
Cloth: 25%
Stone: 0%
Dragon: 50%
Effective: 90 metres
Long: 120 metres
Maximum: 180 metres
Velocity: 95
Effective: 0.034907
Long: 0.069813
Maximum: 0.139626
Fire Rate
Reload Time: 6 seconds
Burst Quantity: 4 shots
Burst Interval: 0.4 seconds

Medium Lancers are a medium weapon and the intermediate size of Lancer.


Medium Lancers are short ranged, fire four shots per burst and reload quickly, albeit slower than Light Lancers. It deals massive sustained damage, the most out of any medium weapon. Medium Lancer projectiles travel at high velocity, are unaffected by gravity and accurate, making them more likely to hit than other weapons which in turn makes them very reliable. Despite their limited maximum range, thanks to their incredible accuracy they actually tend to be more efficient at longer ranges than most cannons, especially with a proficient gunner. They also deal incredibly high damage to sails.



  • High velocity.
  • Fast reload.
  • Accurate.
  • Decent damage per burst.
  • Extremely high DPS.
  • Never ricochets.
  • Ever stronger against sails.


  • Somewhat short ranged.
  • Weak against Stone.

Armed Ships[]


Procyon Cutter Icon Cutter
Procyon Minelayer Icon Minelayer
Ice Fist Icon Ice Fist


Destroyer Icon Destroyer : Destroyer Dual Medium Lancer
Cruiser Icon Cruiser : Cruiser Dual Medium Lancer
Dreadnought Icon Dreadnought


Imperial Weapon Barge Icon Development Weapon Barge

Armed Bases[]




  • In the ship files for the Man-o-War, Starhammer, and Frigate, the ships were originally to have point-defence Medium Lancers on their bow, and in an image demonstrating the interface for the Frigate, one can see that Medium Lancers were available. This shows that the Royal Navy were originally meant to have Light and Medium Lancers, but not Heavy. This may be why Heavy Lancers look far different than the other versions, being blue rather than purple implying that it is different technology as the Empire lacks the technology to manufacture Heavy Lancers. Eventually, they decided that they Royal Navy could not create Medium or Heavy Lancers for unknown reasons.
    • However, there are two exceptions. One is the Arcturian Merchantship, which is equipped with two medium PD lancers. Though this could possibly be attributed to the wealth of the ship owners. The other exception is the Imperial base, Outpost Regina, which is equipped with Medium Point Defence Lancers.