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This article is a stub, you can help Treasure Planet Wiki by adding more details or information. This is an article about a Pirate named Mackriki, you may be looking for Macriki, the name of his species.

"A slimy, lizardlike alien rigger, Mackriki is nasty and temperamental. He watches what he eats, mostly because his eyes are located in his throat." – Treasure Planet: A Voyage of Discovery

Mackriki is one of John Silver's Pirate Crew in Treasure Planet. He is a Macriki pirate who join to find treasure.

Mackriki falls to his death along with Dogbreath and Hands at the beginning of the mutiny.



During the film production, when it somewhat comes to the pirate crew, Mackriki is one of the characters created by Ellen Woodbury.


According to "A Voyage of Discovery" itself, Mackriki is a nasty and temperamental, also been a coward as well when it happens to himself or somebody else.

Physical appearance[]

Mackriki is an grayish Macriki with reddish hair on his back, with long skinny arms, four pairs of legs, and has eyes inside his mouth and attached to his tongue, and wore a pair of dark bluish shorts with black belt.


Treasure Planet[]

Mackriki is seen on the top at the ship during the packing for the ship along with the other members, who all of them were actually secretly as pirates, describing as "ludicrous parcel of driveling galoots".

He soon later meeting up with the others about they almost blowing up the mutiny plan, which makes Silver so furious and he makes him sure that all of them need to stick the plan as a understanding crew.

During the voyage, the ship encounters a supernova. Jim saves Silver from falling just in time. The supernova then devolves into a black hole, where Arrow falls. The burst of shock waves and maximum engine power enable Amelia to pilot the ship to safety. Amelia mourns the loss of Arrow, and suspects Jim of failing to secure the lifelines, while Arrow's line was actually cut by Scroop.

He is also one of the first three pirates, the other two being Dogbreath and Hands to die, when a misfire from Doppler resulted in falling debris, destroying the floorboards and sending the pursuing pirates falling out of the ship's longboat room from a great height to their apparent deaths.



Treasure Planet[]


  • In some sources, his name is spelt as "Mackriki", but sometimes spelt as "Macriki".
  • He, Dogbreath, and Hands are the first pirates to die, and also both of them ain't fooling but instead runs very quick through the hall to purse Jim from escaping, and also first crewmate and pirate seen on the RLS Legacy to be named after his species, the second being Crex who is also called Aquanog or Aquanoggin.
  • From "A Voyage of Discovery", Mackriki in the character sheet and framing shots, Mackriki has three stripes around top on his neck, but in the film, he doesn't have those stripes on top of his neck, mostly due to possible animation friendly to animate.
  • It is unknown if Richard Kind actually voiced Mackriki as his voice sounded little bit "girl-ish" and pitched (by the following voice through his death by screaming), as it's never likely for Kind to actually voice him as the actor's voice was in other themes of less pitched, and normally-sudden tone as Richard Kind wasn't much a voice actor with no signs of his name seen as a additional voice at all.
    • Even unknown by if actually voiced by him or not, the actor Kind wasn't so far seen in the credits or uncredited om IMDb, instead Mackriki's actor was so far to be unknown, not Kind nor Dee Bradley Baker.
  • Mackriki is shown in Treasure Planet: A Voyage of Discovery, as one of the Riggers along with DogbreathBird Brain Mary, Greedy, Oxy and Moron.
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