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Treasure Planet Wiki
Lancer, Light
Light Lancer Icon
Available To: Royal Navy Flag FlintPirateFlag Procyon Expanse Rectangular Flag
Weapon Type: Light, point-defence
Cost: 4 Victory Points
Wood: 4-6 (12.5 DPS)
Reinforced Wood: 3-5 (10 DPS)
Iron: 2-3 (6.25 DPS)
Cloth: 6-8 (17.5 DPS)
Stone: 1-3 (5 DPS)
Dragon: 5-8
Critical Chance:
Wood: 1%
Reinforced Wood: 0%
Iron: 0%
Cloth: 0%
Stone: 1%
Dragon: 50%
Wood: 1
Reinforced Wood: 1
Iron: 1
Cloth: 1
Stone: 1
Dragon: 0.5
Wood: 8%
Reinforced Wood: 5%
Iron: 0%
Cloth: 25%
Stone: 0%
Dragon: 50%
Effective: 60 metres
Long: 90 metres
Maximum: 135 metres
Velocity: 95
Effective: 0.017453
Long: 0.019199
Maximum: 0.026180
Fire Rate
Reload Time: 2 seconds
Burst Quantity: 5 shots
Burst Interval: 0.15 seconds

Light Point-Defence Lancers are a light point defence weapon.


Point defence lancers are a special type of weapon that are typically mounted on the underside of the ship, not always though as seen with the Procyon Man o War, that automatically fire at torpedoes and mines as a counter measure to them. They cannot be manually fire, or targeted at enemy ships, although they can still hit and damage them incidentally. Usually, point defence weapons facing backwards are more useful for taking out pursuing torpedoes while you flee and forward facing point defence is more suited for mine sweeping. There are exceptions to this dependent on context however.

Armed Ships[]


Imperial Cutter Icon Cutter
Heavy Escort Icon Heavy Escort
Heavy Escort Icon Command Escort
Imperial Assault Cutter Icon Assault Cutter
Heavy Scout Icon Heavy Scout
Fast Frigate Icon Fast Frigate
Imperial Tender Icon Tender
Imperial Minelayer Icon Minelayer
Imperial Frigate Icon Frigate
Imperial Man-o-War Icon Man-o-War
StarHammer Icon StarHammer


Pirate Assault Cutter Icon Assault Cutter
Carrack Icon Carrack
Pirate Galleon Icon Galleon


Procyon Sloop Icon Sloop
Procyon Minelayer Icon Minelayer


Packet Ship Icon Packet Ship
CivGalleonIcon Galleon


Imperial Weapon Barge Icon Development Weapon Barge

A light point defence lancer mounted underneath the RLS Legacy.
