Lancers are primitive beam weapons that generate pulses of light by shunting solar power through a neutron crystal. Their rate of fire is very fast, and the beams travel through the Etherium amazingly quickly. Some ships come equipped with underbelly point-defence Lancers designed to automatically track, and shoot at asteroids, Mines, and Torpedoes.
Pros: High velocity, fast reload, accurate, high sustained damage.
Cons: Short range, progressively weaker against stronger armour.
Mounts: Light, Medium, Heavy
Light Lancer
Medium Lancer
Heavy Lancer
Lancer Battery
Destroyer Dual Light Lancer
Cruiser Dual Medium Lancer
Destroyer Dual Medium Lancer
Dreadnought Dual Heavy Lancer
Light Point-Defence Lancer
Medium Point-Defence Lancer
- In the demo, point-defence Lancers fire at asteroids, where as in the full game, they do not.
- All selectable Lancers fire a four round burst. However, all the non-selectable versions such as the point defence Lancers and the turret mounted Lancers on Ironclads fire a five round burst.