Treasure Planet Wiki
Treasure Planet Wiki

"In addition to Scroop, the riggers include: Birdbrain Mary, Dogbreath, Greedy, Mackriki, Oxy, and Moron. Together, these six scurry up and down the rigging to unfurl or take in the solar sails. They also work below deck, looking after the solar crystals that make up the fabric of the solar sails and are the major source of power on a galleon." – The Riggers

"Working in conjunction with the riggers are the ropers, whose duties are deck-bound. With a team comprised of Hands, Aquanoggin, Pigors, and Schwartzopf, the ropers left out or pull in the lines for the sails. The ropers also drop and weigh the astral achor–the invisible force field used to moor the Legacy in ports and above planets." – The Ropers

"Then are the specialists, Snuff, a tentacled, gasbag alien, is the antigravity engineer. By pulling a lever, he engages an electromagnetic gravity field that washs over the deck. Onus is the multi-eyed Zandarian lookout whose powerful spyglass peers through the vastness of the seven solar seas. As the ship's gunner, Meltdown oversees the ship's high powered laser cannons that shoot balls of explosive laser energy in a frightening broadside. Turnbuckle is the helmsman of the Legacy, steering the ship in accordance with the captain's orders. Turnbuckle was once Silver's most trusted and capable crew member on previous voyages together. Silver was the brains of the outfit, Scroop was the muscle, and the multilimbed Turnbuckle was the right hand man–with more than a few right hands. But once Jim Hawkins enters the picture and Silver starts playing father to him, the dynamics between the original threesome change." – The Specialists

The Pirate Crew of John Silver were the crew of sixteen pirates led by John Silver in Treasure Planet.

This crew is now inactive after the mutiny and main event of the film, with only less than half of pirates still alive and sent to prison, while the others died or mysteriously disappeared (presumably died as well).

All of them, except for Silver who escaped to remain his life as a pirate, which that was until in five years later where he sacrificed himself to save Jim and Mr. Onyx's lives from the Procyons by ramming the Dreadnought with his badly damaged Argentum ship, causing both of them to explode, which it brutally kills him in the blast.



During the film production, when it somewhat comes to the pirate crew, all the members were created by Ellen Woodbury, Nancy Beiman, Peter de Sêve, Sam Levine, Rowland Wilson, Terry Naughton, Kaan Kalyon, Eric Pigors, Frank Nissen, Marc Smith, Tracy Lee, Adam Dykstra, Rick Maki, and Allison Hollen.

Scroop takes the role of Hands from the original novel, while the names were given for each members, including Onus and Turnbuckle.


Treasure Planet[]

The pirate crew took the attack on the Benbow Inn, evidenced by their shadows revealed from the inn's lamps to find the Map Sphere from Billy Bones who later died after heading to Montressor.

They were soon seen aboard the R.L.S. Legacy acting as a sailing crew, hired by Doctor Doppler, but secretly taking orders from John Silver, described as "ludicrous parcel of driveling galoots".

Jim's suspicion of the crew begins to heighten when he eavesdrops on Onus, Meltdown, Oxy and Moron talking together (presumably about the plan for mutiny).

While Jim is swabbing the deck, after his confrontation with Silver's lieutenant, Scroop, it is made clear to the audience that Silver is the real captain of the crew and not simply the ship's cook as he chastised his minions for being too antsy.

In the dangerous supernova when came across an black hole, the crew is seen battering flaming asteroids with the ship's cannons and taking Captain Amelia and Mr. Arrow's orders to steer the ship away from danger.

When Treasure Planet is in their sights, the pirates and Silver mutiny their captain (costing the lives of some pirates: Dogbreath, Mackriki, and Hands) and search for the treasure. They find the the treasure with the unwilling help of Jim Hawkins, after he defeats Scroop on the ship. Their luck changes when Flint's booby-trap is activated and causes Turnbuckle, and Pigors to get killed. The few others survive and are tied up aboard the ship.

However, despite being arrested for their crimes, the last surviving pirates: Onus, Meltdown, Birdbrain Mary, Oxy and Moron, cheer as they finally steered them away from the exploding planet, relieved that they are still alive and later arrested sometime after as they are sent to jail once they reached the spaceport.

Treasure Planet: Battle at Procyon[]

Five years later after the event and its mutiny, the pirate crew was mentioned by Jim who is now a captain after arresting and capturing Turnbuckle, who was found as a warrior in the Pirate Schooner, which turns out that he fakes his death, before he ducked back in line to the prisonship, he hands over Jim a dark matter to his hand and tells him "beware!" about Silver, who Jim haven't seen or heard them for years.

Other appearances[]

The pirates of Silver's crew appeared in the PlayStation games (PS1 & PS2), with some of the pirate crew members sometimes appear as enemies or mostly of NPCs, with both Silver and Scroop appeared as bosses in both PSs, with Hands so far the only boss appear in PS2.

Appearing in PS1:[]

  • John Silver (as final boss)
  • Scroop (as boss)
  • Schwartzkopf (enemy)
  • Moron (enemy)
  • Dogbreath (as "Bright Eyes" or an Cargo Elevator Operator, NPC)
  • Birdbrain Mary (NPC)

Appearing in PS2:[]

  • John Silver (as final boss)
  • Scroop (as boss)
  • Hands ("Mr. Hands", as boss)
  • Aquanoggin (as "Noggin", enemy)
  • Meltdown (enemy)
  • Dogbreath (enemy)
  • Snuff (NPC, only appeared and helping in Scroop's boss fight)

Notable species[]

All the sixteen pirates were each different species and are lead by an 50-year old Ursid-cyborg named John Silver, along with his first mate Turnbuckle, an Zirrelian he trust the most and a capable member of previous voyages before the film's event.

Each member in the crew was an Mantavor, an Optoc, an Kamelian, an Macriki, an Densadron, an Aquanog, an Tuskrus, and seven of unidentified species.

Known species[]

Not known species[]

Pirates (all former)[]


First Mate[]



  • In Treasure Planet: Battle at Procyon, a continuity error is made as in the game Turnbuckle is alive and tells Jim "beware" while handing him a piece of dark matter, but in the movie he falls to his death at the planet's exploding core along with Pigors.
    • Due to the continuity error, it is possible that Turnbuckle have faked his death and only Pigors died.
    • However, John Silver at the end of the final mission, with his badly damaged Argentum ship arriving to save Jim and Mr. Onyx's lives, he rams the Dreadnought, causing the both ships are apparently destroyed, which Silver died for his past crimes by sacrificed himself.
  • Mackriki and Aquanoggin are the only members of this crew to have names similar to their species' names.
  • Onus, Birdbrain Mary, Meltdown, Oxy and Moron are now the five remaining members to survive and ended up arrested.
  • Hands is a character in the novel, but in the Disney adaptation his original role is taken by Scroop.
    • In the novel, almost the entire mutinied crew was formed by former pirates from Flint's crew; in the movie, the only known survivor from Flint's underlings is B.E.N., and Billy Bones but later died after after heading to Montressor.
  • In the 2005 direct-to-video Disney Villain-related production Once Upon a Halloween, Snuff's scene is featured in the song "Sidekicks and Henchmen".
  • Unlike the other fourteen members in the crew who have already redeemed themselves in the entire film, Scroop is the only member in the crew who never redeemed himself in the film.
  • For the crew members who randomly disappeared could of escaped off the ship using one of the Longboats that John used at the end of the film