Treasure Planet Wiki
Treasure Planet Wiki
'Long' John Silver
Titles: Captain, Cook
Ships: RLS Legacy (Film), Argentum (BaP)
Race: Ursid
Age: 50 (Film), 55 (BaP)
Alignment: Evil, gradually shifted towards Neutral with Good tendencies over the course of the movie
Personality: Evil (formerly), smart, kind, nice, good-hearted
Associates: Jim Hawkins, Amelia, Dr. Delbert Doppler, Pirates
Goals: Acquire as much loot as possible in general and the loot of Treasure Planet in particular.
Fate: Presumably killed in an explosion after ramming Argentum into Wailing Wind.
Voice: Brian Murray

'Long' John Silver is one of the two main antagonists (alongside Scroop) of Disney’s forty-third full-length animated feature film Treasure Planet.

He is a Pirate who posed as a cook in order to infiltrate the RLS Legacy with the intention of acquiring the loot of a thousand worlds: Treasure Planet, the RLS Legacy's destination.


Silver's origins (place of birth, childhood, etc.) are unknown. From what information we can gather, Silver had very little schooling as a child, possibly dropping out in his early years. In the canceled sequel to Treasure Planet, it's suggested that a young non-cyborg Silver lost the love of his life which directly led to his life of piracy.

Treasure Planet[]

John Silver posed as a cook to infiltrate the Royal Navy's Heavy Scout, RLS Legacy, which was going on an expedition to Treasure Planet. Silver, intending to acquire the loot of Treasure Planet for himself, started a mutiny in an attempt to seize control of the vessel. Although Silver failed to acquire the treasure of the eponymous planet, he did manage to escape the RLS Legacy before being caught.

Battle at Procyon[]

Between the events of the Film and Battle at Procyon, John Silver became a Privateer for the Terran Empire, raiding Procyon cargo ships towards the end of the Third Terran-Procyon War. However, while the peace agreement between the Empire and the Procyons was underway, Silver's Ship of the Line, Argentum reappeared in Imperial Territory, apparently leading the Pirate raids against Imperial ships.

Later it is discovered that the Silver that was raiding the Imperial ships was actually a robot created by the Procyons in a ploy to weaken the Empire and nullify the treaty. The real Silver seemingly sacrificed himself to save Jim's ship, and saving the Queen. His surviving crew claimed that John Silver perished at the battle. Due to his actions, Silver was regarded as a hero and exonerated, with the Queen posthumously bequeathing the pirate the title of the "Knight of the Empire".

Jim though suspected that his old mentor may have in fact survived as Silver was too clever to have not thought of an escape plan. It was Jim's hope that Silver was laying low, working to build a new crew and take to the stars again.


John Silver is a cyborg ursid and an alien. He’s large in size yet more fat then muscular. He has a gap in the middle of his upper teeth. He can normally be seen wearing his cream colored shirt, red shorts, a black belt, a heavy black jacket, and a tricornered hat. He has cybernetics on his right arm and leg, along with a cybernetic ear and right eye with a yellow glow. According to the film , Silver must have traded his human parts for cybernetic ones in his younger years as an adventurer . He also states to Jim , "you give up a few things chasing a dream " when he asked about his cyborg appearance .


  • While this character's full name is 'Long' John Silver, he is never referred to as such in Treasure Planet, while in Battle at Procyon he is only referred to as John Silver once, instead he is almost always referred to by his surname.
  • Silver's voice actor, Brian Murray, is the only voice actor to reprise his role in Battle at Procyon, with the other voiced reappearing characters, Jim Hawkins and Admiral Amelia, being voiced by different actors.
  • The name of Silver's ship in Battle at Procyon, 'Argentum', is the Latin word for Silver.
  • Silver is an ursid—a bear-like alien.
  • He is implied to still be alive and out there somewhere
  • He has differences from his original Treasure Island counterpart, the original Silver has no cybernetic eye, ear, arm, or leg, he had a missing left leg instead of his right being robotic. He had to travel with a wooden crutch to support his balance.
  • It is learned that he likes to cook Bonzabeast Stew.