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Lancer, Heavy
Heavy Lancer Icon
Available To: FlintPirateFlag Procyon Expanse Rectangular Flag Ironclad Flag
Weapon Type: Heavy
Cost: 14 Victory Points
Wood: 10-15 (5.5 DPS)
Reinforced Wood: 8-11 (4.2 DPS)
Iron: 5-7 (2.7 DPS)
Cloth: 12-16 (6.2 DPS)
Stone: 4-6 (2.2 DPS)
Dragon: 12-16 (6.2 DPS)
Critical Chance:
Wood: 15%
Reinforced Wood: 10%
Iron: 0%
Cloth: 0%
Stone: 5%
Dragon: 50%
Wood: 3
Reinforced Wood: 1
Iron: 1
Cloth: 1
Stone: 1
Dragon: 0.5
Wood: 20%
Reinforced Wood: 10%
Iron: 1%
Cloth: 20%
Stone: 0%
Dragon: 50%
Effective: 150 metres
Long: 220 metres
Maximum: 280 metres
Velocity: 95
Effective: 0.034907
Long: 0.069813
Maximum: 0.139626
Fire Rate
Reload Time: 9 seconds
Burst Quantity: 4 shots
Burst Interval: 0.6 seconds

Heavy Lancers are a heavy weapon and the largest variant of Lancer.


Like the Heavy Lancer's lighter counterparts, the Heavy Lancer still fires four shots, and reloads faster than most heavy weapons, which gives them high sustained damage. Like most lancers, its projectiles fly at high velocity, are not affected by gravity and possess little deviation. This makes them very reliable to hit, even at the end of its range. The heavy lancer has much more range than the lighter counterparts, and thanks to its accuracy and velocity, essentially as long as the enemy is in range, they are in effective range. This weapon also deal extremely high damage per burst, and can cause massive fires against wood. Overall, this is a very versatile and reliable weapon.



  • High velocity.
  • Accurate.
  • Capable of starting strong fires on wooden hulls.
  • High damage per burst.
  • Very high DPS.
  • Never ricochets.
  • Even stronger against sails.
  • Good range.


  • Weak against stone.

Armed Ships[]


Pirate Man-o-War Icon Man-o-War


Procyon Tender Icon Tender
Procyon Frigate Icon Frigate
Procyon Man-o-War Icon Man-o-War
Ice Fist Icon Ice Fist


Dreadnought Icon Dreadnought : Dreadnought Dual Heavy Lancer


Imperial Weapon Barge Icon Development Weapon Barge


  • Heavy Lancers look very different to the Light and Medium variants. While the other two fire purple projectiles, the Heavy Lancer fires a much brighter blue projectile and also has a far deeper sound. Since originally, it was only the Heavy Lancer that the Terran Navy did not have access to, as only the Procyons had the technology to create them, this explains their drastically different appearance. However, for unknown reasons it was later decided that the Royal Navy couldn't create neither Medium nor Heavy Lancers.