Treasure Planet Wiki
Treasure Planet Wiki

"Dumb as dirt, Dogbreath is physically and mentally uncoordinated. While walking and running, he uses his arms as a human would uses crutches. His eyes work independently, like those of a chameleon's." – Treasure Planet: A Voyage of Discovery

Dogbreath is one of John Silver's Pirate Crew in Treasure Planet. He is a Kamelian pirate who join to find treasure.

Dogbreath falls to his death along with Mackriki and Hands at the beginning of the mutiny.



During the film production, when it somewhat comes to the pirate crew, Dogbreath is one of the characters to be only created and designed by Ellen Woodbury.


According to "A Voyage of Discovery" itself, Dogbreath was dumb as dirt where he was basically mentally uncoordinated from whatever he tried to do any judging from his curiously whenever he raises his arm up, even times for his eyes working independently. Even how much a cowardly idiot he was, with leading all to his great height falling death.

Physical appearance[]

Dogbreath is a tannish-green Kamelian with the exception of his pickaxe-shaped head, chameleon-like eyes that protrude from their sockets, with a long neck, arms with fingered claws and an heighten body. He wears a pair of dark bluish shorts with black belt, and black boots.


Treasure Planet[]

He took part in the attack on the Benbow Inn, evidenced by his shadow revealed from the inn's lamps along with the other five fellow pirates John Silver, Pigors, Greedy, Aquanoggin, and Schwartzkopf, to find the Map Sphere from Billy Bones who later died after heading to Montressor.

Dogbreath is seen on the top at the ship, and than later picking up boxes during the packing for the ship along with the other members, who all of them were actually as pirates. He was seen at Silver's storytelling along with the others.

During the voyage, the ship encounters a supernova. Jim saves Silver from falling just in time. The supernova then devolves into a black hole, where Arrow falls. The burst of shock waves and maximum engine power enable Amelia to pilot the ship to safety. Amelia mourns the loss of Arrow, and suspects Jim of failing to secure the lifelines, while Arrow's line was actually cut by Scroop.

He is also one of the first three pirates, the other two being Mackriki and Hands to die in the film, when a misfire from Doppler resulted in falling debris, destroying the floorboards, and sending the pursuing pirates falling out of the ship's longboat room from a great height to their apparent deaths.



Treasure Planet[]

Video Games[]


  • He, Mackriki, and Hands are the first pirates to die, and also both of them ain't fooling but instead runs very quick through the hall to purse Jim from escaping.
  • From "A Voyage of Discovery", Dogbreath in the character sheet and framing shots, Dogbreath has something around to his arms to his fingers that looks like of bamboos and has a slited countershading around his throat/neck, but in the film, he doesn't have any of that to his arms to fingers and slited countershading around his throat/neck, mostly due to possible animation friendly to animate.
  • Dogbreath have a minor or supporting appearance in video games, example of PS1 and PS2 games based of the film itself. However has some differences.
    • He appeared in PS1 games as two models of him but one named as "Bright Eyes" while the another didn't have a name but was an Cargo Elevator Operator.
    • Dogbreath appeared in a minor appearance in the PS2 game, as one of the enemies during through the game, and appeared was at the post credits through "You have been watching".
  • Dogbreath is shown in Treasure Planet: A Voyage of Discovery, as one of the riggers along with MackrikiBird Brain MaryGreedyOxy and Moron.
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