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Plasma Cannon, Medium
Plasma Cannon Icon
Available To: Ironclad Flag
Weapon Type: Medium
Cost: 10 Victory Points
Wood: 35-45 (4 DPS)
Reinforced Wood: 25-35 (3 DPS)
Iron: 20-30 (2.5 DPS)
Cloth: 8-9 (0.9 DPS)
Stone: 20-30 (2.5 DPS)
Dragon: 35-45
Critical Chance:
Wood: 20%
Reinforced Wood: 13%
Iron: 5%
Cloth: 0%
Stone: 100%
Dragon: 50%
Wood: 1
Reinforced Wood: 1
Iron: 1
Cloth: 1
Stone: 1
Dragon: 0.5
Wood: 20%
Reinforced Wood: 15%
Iron: 5%
Cloth: 20%
Stone: 100%
Dragon: 50%
Effective: 155 metres
Long: 240 metres
Maximum: 455 metres
Velocity: 60
Effective: 0.191986
Long: 0.139626
Maximum: 0.174533
Fire Rate
Reload Time: 10 seconds
Burst Quantity: 1 shot
Burst Interval: N/A

Medium Plasma Cannons are a medium weapon and the intermediate size of Plasma Cannon. This version however, has far more range. You may ask why that is. I hope you don't though.


The Medium Plasma Cannon deals good burst damage at very long ranges, and like all plasma cannons, its rounds are fired at very high velocity with little deviation allowing it to hit reliably in the hands of a capable gunner. The price difference to the Medium LaserBall Cannon is not as harsh as with the difference between the Light Plasma Cannon and the Light LaserBall Cannon, which makes it more cost efficient. It still reloads slightly slower, and has very poor damage against sails, but it does retain the majority of its damage even when dealing with iron armour. This weapon works well on small ships allowing them to slowly whittle down larger ships from a safe distance.



  • High burst damage.
  • Very long range.
  • High velocity.
  • Accurate.
  • Unlikely to ricochet.
  • More effective against tough materials.


  • Very expensive.
  • Long reload time.
  • Weak against sails.
  • Low DPS.

Armed Ships[]


Cruiser Icon Cruiser