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Plasma Cannon, Heavy
Plasma Cannon Icon
Available To: Ironclad Flag
Weapon Type: Heavy
Cost: 20 Victory Points
Wood: 45-65 (4.2 DPS)
Reinforced Wood: 40-50 (3.5 DPS)
Iron: 25-35 (2.3 DPS)
Cloth: 9-10 (0.7 DPS)
Stone: 30-40 (2.7 DPS)
Dragon: 35-45
Critical Chance:
Wood: 25%
Reinforced Wood: 20%
Iron: 20%
Cloth: 0%
Stone: 100%
Dragon: 50%
Wood: 1
Reinforced Wood: 1
Iron: 1
Cloth: 1
Stone: 1
Dragon: 0.5
Wood: 25%
Reinforced Wood: 20%
Iron: 5%
Cloth: 15%
Stone: 100%
Dragon: 50%
Effective: 155 metres
Long: 310 metres
Maximum: 410 metres
Velocity: 60
Effective: 0.191986
Long: 0.139626
Maximum: 0.174533
Fire Rate
Reload Time: 13 seconds
Burst Quantity: 1 shot
Burst Interval: N/A

Heavy Plasma Cannons are a heavy weapon and the largest variant of Plasma Cannon. This version has more range. There is a reason for this however, but legends say that you can only find out why in the afterlife. Darn.


As the Heavy Plasma Cannon is a heavy weapon, it deals more burst damage at longer ranges than its lighter counterparts. This gives it more synergy to the recommended tactic of bombarding your opponents at long ranges that plasma cannons should be used for. The heavy plasma cannon has an extreme range and deals very high damage, allowing you to completely destroy other ships before they even get into range. Additionally, it is proportionately not as expensive compared to the laser cannons as either of the lighter variants, as it is only twice the price, rather than three times. This makes the heavy plasma cannon the most efficient weight to use it at, but as usual, without a decent gunner, the extra range and velocity is almost meaningless as you will miss frequently.



  • High burst damage.
  • Massive range.
  • High velocity.
  • Accurate.
  • Unlikely to ricochet.
  • More effective against tough materials.


  • Very expensive.
  • Long reload time.
  • Weak against sails.
  • Low DPS.

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