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Crib Zibbinz
Crib Zibbinz
Titles: Mayor
Ships: RLS Comet, RLS Endurance, RLS Superior, RLS Summerside, RLS Lightning, RLS St. Roch, RLS Victory, Captured ships (Possible crew member, likely non-canon)
Race: Zirrelian
Personality: Dishonest
Associates: Jim Hawkins (Possible)
Goals: Manage Alamein.
Fate: Possibly killed if hired as a crew member for a ship that sinks (likely not canon).
Quote(s): 'Our fishermen have to stay docked, while they take the fish that have fed our village for generations.'
'They were in our fishing grounds!'
Voice: Rodger Bumpass

Crib Zibbinz is the mayor of Alamein. Crib Zibbins appears in Mission 5, where he requests that Jim Hawkins finds a way to stop the Alzrandian fishermen blockading Alamein's territory.

Battle at Procyon[]

Mayor Zibbinz requested that the Royal Navy deliver supplies to Alamein when Alzrandian fishermen blockaded Alamein's fishing territory. Captain Hawkins was sent to Alamein to deliver the supplies using the Cutter, RLS Superior. When Hawkins arrived, he asked Zibbinz about the blockade, Zibbinz explained that the blockade was created by Alzrandian fishermen, who created the blockade when Alamein objected to the Alzrandians draining their supply of Moonfish. Zibbinz then boarded RLS Superior, and pointed out where the Alzrandian blockade was. Hawkins ordered the Alzrandian fishing boats to disband the blockade, but the Alzrandian fisherman, Wunston, refused. Hawkins then ordered his gunners to load the guns with blanks and fire a warning shot at the blockade. The Alzrandian fishing boats then disbanded the blockade, and Wunston remarked that the Alameinians are not revealing the full context of the blockade. When RLS Superior arrived at Alzrand, the Alzrandian Mayor, Krell, explained that they started fishing in Alamein's territory because Pirates were raiding Alzrand's fishing territory, and that they had to fish in Alamein's territory out of desperation, and when they explained their problems to Alamein, they ignored them and tried to cut their fishing nets. Hawkins asked Zibbinz if this was true, Zibbinz, instead of denying it, responded with 'They were in our fishing grounds!'. Hawkins stated that he would deal with the Pirates, and ordered both Alamein and Alzrand to share the Alameinian fishing area. Krell agreed to this, as did Zibbinz, albeit reluctantly.

Battle at Procyon Statistics[]

Point Cost: 2

Gunnery: 2

Leadership: N/A

Navigation: 4

Engineering: 1

Rigging: 4

Spotting: 2

Combat: 4


  • Crib Zibbinz is available for hire as a crew member starting from Mission 3, although this is probably non-canon as it would be impossible for him to be both on one of Hawkins' ships and the Mayor of Alamein at the same time.
  • Somewhat ironically, Crib Zibbinz's leadership score is 'N/A', despite him being the Mayor of Alamein.
  • Crib Zibbinz uses a different portrait in the Skirmishes.