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Treasure Planet Wiki

Camp Latchkey is a Pirate base located in the Far Reach Territory, north of the Imperial base, Outpost Osterman.

Camp Latchkey appears in Red Rover, where it serves as the Pirate base.

Battle at Procyon[]

Red Rover[]

In an attempt to wipe out the Royal Navy presence in the Far Reach Territory, Pirates established Camp Latchkey nearby Outpost Osterman, hoping that the storm season would cover them until they were ready to attack. Unfortunately for the Pirates, the solar-storm occurred earlier than they anticipated, and they were forced to fight the Royal Navy before they were ready. Camp Latchkey is located at the northernmost point of Red Rover's map and serves as the Pirate base during gameplay, allowing Pirates to repair their ships.

Battle at Procyon Statistics[]

Docks: 1

Aggregate Hit Points: 2,380 HP

  • Aggregate Fortification Strength: 1,180 HP
  • Aggregate Dock Strength: 1,000 HP

Firepower: Amazing (7 Banks)


Star Mortar Icon 2 Star Mortars (1 Bank)
Heavy Carronade Icon 3 Heavy Carronades (1 Bank)
Heavy Laser Cannon Icon 6 Heavy LaserBall Cannons (2 Banks)
Medium Lancer Icon 4 Medium Lancers (2 Banks)
Gatling Gun Icon 2 Laser Gatling Guns (1 Bank)


  • Camp Latchkey is called Base_PirateMP in the files.

