Blind Pew is a unused or deleted character which was never shown in Treasure Planet or even in Treasure Planet: Battle of Procyon. It may be possible that Blind Pew is shown in Treasure Planet universe, but secretly within some scenes. He is possibly seen at Montressor Spaceport along with two other aliens at the beginning of the scene showing the Spaceport.
in the concept arts, he is shown to be an alien similar to that of Mr. Snuff dressed similar to a caped bandit. He wears a black long farmer's hat and a black long cape. But in Treasure Planet, he is possibly shown as a purple alien with a slight closeup of the character to may have a blind-fold on his head.
a Purple Alien Possibly Blind Pew.
- Blind Pew is never seen in treasure planet, it is possible that he may appear as a purple alien similar to a concept art of him as a green alien holding a stick to a picture of the hidden mickey symbol.
- in concept arts, he appeared as an alien similar to Mr. Snuff, except he had floating eyes and a cape and a hat.
- in the concept arts, it shows that Blind Pew was originally going to be in treasure planet, but later Billy Bones later took his place and was replaced.