"Birdbrain Mary is mean-spirited and loud-mouthed. When functioning as arms, her limbs are like a gibbon's. When functioning as legs, they are similar to a heron's legs." – Treasure Planet: A Voyage of Discovery
Birdbrain Mary is one of the John Silver's Pirate Crew in Treasure Planet. She is a grayish pink non-humanoid pirate and only female pirate to be as the member.
Birdbrain Mary is one of the five remaining survivors, along with Meltdown, Onus, Oxy and Moron who soon later arrested after the mutiny.
According to "A Voyage of Discovery" itself, Birdbrain Mary is a mean spirit and loud mouthed, meaning she is very rude and total heartless, but a coward and sometimes act pretty when wearing some of treasure.
Physically appearance[]
Birdbrain Mary is a unnamed grayish, strange, unusual round-headed non-humanoids with no body, long spindly legs, with one gold wristband to her right limb, to grab (as hands) or walk (as legs), having bit of hair sticking out, grayish-pinkish lips, bit of needle-alike teeth.
Treasure Planet[]
Birdbrain Mary is seen on the top at the ship, during the packing for the ship along with the other members, who all of them were actually secretly as pirates, describing as "ludicrous parcel of driveling galoots". While Jim is sentenced to swabbing the ship's deck.
During the voyage, the ship encounters a supernova. Jim saves Silver from falling just in time. The supernova then devolves into a black hole, where Arrow falls. The burst of shock waves and maximum engine power enable Amelia to pilot the ship to safety. Amelia mourns the loss of Arrow, and suspects Jim of failing to secure the lifelines, while Arrow's line was actually cut by Scroop.
Meanwhile, Birdbrain Mary and the pirates corner the group here; using a back door, Jim, B.E.N., and Morph return to the ship in an attempt to recover the map. She is one of the only few pirates to survive during their mutiny, as he is arrested by Captain Amelia and Dr. Delbert Doppler for his crimes alongside the remaining crew.
Despite her arrest, Birdbrain Mary is last seen cheering for Jim along with the other four crew members for helping them escape from the exploding planet.
Treasure Planet[]
Video Games[]
- From "A Voyage of Discovery", Birdbrain Mary in the character sheet and framing shots, Birdbrain Mary has two gold rings onto her arm/leg, but in the film, she has only a one gold wristband to her arm/leg, mostly due to possible animation friendly to animate.
- Bird Brain Mary is the only pirate in John Silver's pirate crew to be female. While also the only pirate member of Silver's crew to have a full name.
- The generic Pirate crew member icon in Treasure Planet: Battle at Procyon, depicts Birdbrain Mary in the middle.
- Birdbrain Mary is shown in Treasure Planet: A Voyage of Discovery, as one of the riggers along with Dogbreath, Greedy, Mackriki, Oxy and Moron.