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Treasure Planet Wiki
Billy Bones
Billy Bones (Patrick McGoohan)

Race: turtlesaurus

Alignment: Neutral
Associates: Nathaniel Flint
Goals: To keep the map to treasure planet safe.
Quote(s): "... they'll have to pry it from old Billy Bones cold dead fingers before I-"

Billy Bones is an ancient turtle like alien who is the second to last surviving member of Flint's Crew [1]. Bone's holds the map to Flint's treasure trove, and is mortally wounded in a fight for it. Crash landing near the Benbow Inn he is taken inside by Jim Hawkins who he intrusts the Map to. Billy Bones utters his last breath, a fair warning to the new care taker of the Map, shortly before pirates raid the Benbow Inn. He is also a minor character in the film as well.


[1] Official Treasure Planet Website -> Heros and Rouges


  • Bones was Flints cabin boy upon his ship. Which would explain how he got in possession of the map. In the original Treasure Island story upon which Treasure Planet is based Billy Bones was Flint's first mate who obtained the map from Flint who was dying at the time. This happened four years after the Treasure was hidden. In Treasure planet it seems to have happened shortly before the trap was armed.
  • While the name of his species has never officially been revealed, when Jim is trying to identify if Silver was the cyborg Bones was talking about he says 'What was that old Salamander's name' implying that his species is that of a Salamander, or at least resembles one.