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Treasure Planet Wiki
Bayle's Stand
Bayles Stand
Players 2
Location Waystation Montgomery
Royal Navy Flag Terran Empire Procyon Expanse Rectangular Flag Procyon Expanse
1 Frigate
1 Cutter
2 Torpedo Boats
1 Man-o-War
1 Tender
1 Cutter
3 Gunboats

Bayle's Stand is a Historical Skirmish between the Terran Empire and the Procyon Expanse. Bayle's Stand is a 2 player Skirmish, with 1 Imperial player and 1 Procyon player. The objective of the Imperial player is to defend their base, Waystation Montgomery from the Procyons, who's objective is to destroy or capture Montgomery Station. Bayle's Stand is notable for being the map used in the demo version of Treasure Planet: Battle at Procyon.

Map Description[]

During the War of Retribution, the Procyon Navy sent a deep strike force to destroy the crucial Imperial Naval Base Montgomery. Only Commander Bayle and his training squadron stood in their way.




Imperial Frigate Icon RLS Triumph (RLS Triumphant in the game files and demo)


Imperial Cutter Icon RLS Sims (RLS Swift in the game files and demo)

Torpedo Boats[]

Torpedo Boat Icon RLS Flyer (RLS Blade)
Torpedo Boat Icon RLS Wasp (RLS Dirk)



Procyon Man-o-War Icon PSR Steel Aurora (PSR Storm Falcon in the game files and demo)


Procyon Tender Icon PSR Endurance (PSR Provider)


Procyon Cutter Icon PSR Wind Rush (PSR SunBlast in the game files and demo)


Procyon Gunboat Icon PSR Diamond (PSR Seeker)
Procyon Gunboat Icon PSR Snow Monkey (PSR Tracker)
Procyon Gunboat Icon Esk (PSR Scout)


Bayle's Stand is a small map, featuring Waystation Montgomery at the north, a lighthouse at the south, and 11 small islands filling up the rest of the space. The Royal Navy start at the north, where Montgomery Station is, while the Procyons start at the south, near where the lighthouse is.


  • Bayle's Stand is the oldest map in Treasure Planet: Battle at Procyon, as it was used for the demo version of the game.
  • Some difference between the demo version and the final game include:
    • Different background.
    • Different font used for ship names.
    • Different ship names (see above).
    • Different voice actor for crew members.
    • Imperial Frigates moving slower and having a symmetrical weapon layout as opposed to the asymmetrical layout used in the final game.
    • Ships turning less smoothly.
    • Different projectiles for Grav Charges.
    • Different music (the demo version of Bayle's Stand uses the Mission 4 exploration music, where as the final version uses the Mission 12 Battle at Parliament music).
    • The inability to switch command ships.
    • Different explosion effects for Star Mortars.
    • The Procyons using a Pirate flag.
    • Waystation Montgomery was called Montgomery Station.

