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Treasure Planet Wiki

Basic Tutorial is the first of the two tutorials in Treasure Planet: Battle at Procyon. Basic Tutorial, as its name implies, is shorter and less in-depth than the Advanced Tutorial. The Torpedo Boat, RLS Intrepid, is given to the player for this Tutorial. Basic Tutorial teaches the player the basics of the game, which includes movement and firing at hostiles, simulated by a Target Barge.




Amelia: 'Welcome to basic training. Today we shall cover the barest necessities of controlling your ship.'


Admiral Amelia explains that the camera can be moved around by holding the right mouse button and moving the mouse.


Amelia then explains that to set a course, one must left click where they intend to go. The player is then given control and must follow their objective arrow, which leads to a Target Barge.


When the player reaches the Target Barge, Amelia explains that in order to fire at hostile targets, one must left click on the target, the guns will be aimed where the player clicks. Amelia also explains that the weapon bar shows whether a weapon is loaded and if it isn't, how long it will take until it the reloading process is finished. The player then has to fire at the Target Barge.


Amelia states that for a more in-depth explanation of the game, one may either consult the manual or play the Advanced Tutorial.



Torpedo Boats[]

Torpedo Boat Icon RLS Intrepid


Target Barges[]

Procyon Cutter Icon Target Barge


Basic Tutorial's map features a few medium size islands and a series of smaller islands in the centre of the map. The player starts at the south-west corner, and must move north-east to roughly where the centre is, to fire at the Target Barge.

